- Webinars Session (moderated by Steven Bell):
Pete's notes
Yay, I Get to Click Next: (great resource for designing webinar and/or asynch elearning)
Dump the Drone (very helpful in designing elearning and/or presentations that take place in webinar format)
Cool animated/narrated demo:
Rapid elearning Blog
- Have course in everything (recommended by Trevor)
Jing: Good for Screencasting (free, but only 5 minutes)
Screentoaster (recommended by Polly--easier than Jing)
Practice live before the event
Make sure presenters have good headsets
Have a "wingman" or a "friendly citizen" in the room with you to handle tech issues and monitor chat stream.
Joanne P. Roukens notes
- Round the table sharing experiences or lack of experience. Likes and dislikes. Some love and some hate.
- Peter Bromberg uses wimba . He really loves it and finds it well designed. Be prepared and have a “wingman” or “friendly citizen” to take care of tech issues. Recently did a 3 hour session. Gave breaks. Very interactive.
- Mercer County – Rina and Laura - uses Very new to them.
- NJ State Library uses - $800 a year for subscription, phone line costs extra. Scherelene always has backup on PowerPoint. Sends handout to participant in advance. Also sends out automatic reminders.
- Trevor Dawes, Princeton University. Just got license to
- Steven Bell, Temple University – preparing, injecting interactive things, web tours. Uses Not a training package, but a platform for a shared space. Showed an archived webcast. Presenter needs a good headset. Participants also need. If presenting, don’t look at the chat!
- – “Ideas worth spreading.”
- - recommended by Peter B. Really helped him prepare and kept it interactive.
- Have backups. Try out all equipment in advance. Can even present short training on the software to participants ahead of time. Presenter arrives in webinar room a few minutes early to greet people and put them at ease. Send out small survey in advance of presentation.
- - An academic librarian who combines the traditional skill set of librarianship with the information technologist's hardware/software skills, and the instructional or educational designer's ability to apply technology appropriately in the teaching-learning process.
- Favorite Resources Session (moderated by David Lisa, NJ State Library)
- Notes from session by Joanne P. Roukens
- - you can make a widget too
- - Impress presentation software
- – short introductions to common things
- – free webinar software
- Web2.0 conference – NYC this fall
- – 12 screencasting resources
- book resource recommended by Joanne Roukens:
- BOAF - Best practices session- moderated by Derik Badman, Temple University
- notes by Janice Painter
- Storyboarding
- Post it notes – easy and tactile
- PowerPoint as a storyboard tool- Joanne Roukers
- “this slide intentionally left blank”- Joanne- Hint: hit w or b on the keyboard to go to a white or blank screen in PowerPoint.
- Models
- Edward Tufte-
- Lawrence Lessig-
Uses keynote/ slicker, hip Mac designer thing going on- Derik
- Gar Reynolds- Presentation Zen
- visual puns, animation with words.
- What it the role of words?
- Handouts?
- PDF of slides and speaking notes – Derik
- 2 sided handout with totally visual slides- Brett Bonfield
- Discussion of handouts and your audience- especially the haves and the have nots issue for supplementing your online material.
- Best practice- knowing your audience.
- Before you go know what you have to stay. Know your stuff—John Porcaro
- How do you chunk your information?- Kristina Devoe.
- Presenting without slides.
- Common when on schools rotation- no slideshare, no or limited paper handouts.
- Speaking class; toastmasters, train the trainer.
- Learning theory as it applies to presentations
- Visuals – wake up the brain- “this is what’s coming”- repeat and connect to what’s already there.
- Use the collage first then repeat the individual image.
- Attention span- use the age and divide it in half. As you age it’s no longer than 10 minutes- Sheila Grop.
- Lightning talks- good length for attention span and getting to the key point.
- Adults don’t have movement included often in presentations and it should be.
- White boards as a tool.
- Smartboard is like an arm movement- John LeMasney. And you can record an archived version of the tool.
- Drawing to add movement to increase engagement.
- Wacom tablet and Corel Painter/ Inkscape- doodling, sketching, handwriting. Human feel, no hard edges. Wacom is like the hand movement- John LeMasney.
4. Overcoming presentation anxiety
These are the “delayed” conclusions from our group:
-Point to call out the things that you're insecure about: age, (in Susana's her) accent, etc.
-Put your picture on your business card so that people remember who was talking (but update it from time to time!)
-We talked about dressing comfortably and making yourself approachable.
-Breaking the ice by showing pictures of our pets or something that makes us human and just one of them - instead of "in charge" of them.
-What we do to remain calm – I believe Amy talked about not letting your fear be too much to handle, address it when is “little” –make it a conscious decision not to feel fear- and breathe!
-Scrambling to end a presentation (time constraints) -refer to info online and include speaker notes in handout
-Be flexible with the audience, meet them personally at the beginning if possible, introduce yourself
-Methods for addressing biases in an audience like ageism and racial bias – acknowledge and equalize
-Being authentic and honest and having an emotional tie-in
Thanks to all who contributed to the "lost" notes.
What is a Birds of a Feather session?
The Birds of a Feather sessions are self-organized breakout groups that will be happening throughout the day.
At the beginning of the day we will have a list of all suggested sessions and ask attendees to indicate which sessions they would like to attend.
At the end of the day, attendees will share the highlights of their Birds of a Feather discussions with the entire group.
For more info See:
Have an idea for a Birds of a Feather Session (breakout discussion)? Add it here!
using social networking to advertise your events.
creative commons images
presenting over a distance
- Webinars: Best practice, tips, etc.
archiving your content
using hand-drawn visuals in presentations
when, how and where to use stories in a presentation
moderators - more than just naming the names
best practices in presentation development
- Effective use of powerpoint (and other slide decks)
overcoming presentation anxiety
- Staying calm when things go wrong and other logisitics
transforming negatives into positives while presenting
- handling hecklers, challengers, and detractors (with open, positive reactions)
teaching to different learning styles
Handouts, take-aways, etc.
Favorite resources -- books, web sites, articles.
getting the audience involved
- how to ask questions that will get the audience involved and answering
rhythm/pacing when using slides.
Comments (3)
Amy J. Kearns said
at 2:45 pm on Apr 7, 2009
Yeah, I had purposely chosen CC images from flickr for the images, but I forgot to put the attributes - duh!
Derik Badman said
at 3:01 pm on Jun 4, 2009
I tried to group some of these together that seemed similar/same.
JanieH said
at 11:27 am on Jun 10, 2009
I have put together a trending survey... please take it so we can get some rough idea on what will be the topics for BofaF and room sizes needed. Link is at the top of this page!
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