
Video Archive

Page history last edited by Amy J. Kearns 15 years, 7 months ago


| Lightning Talks | BattleDecks | Miscellaneous |



ROUND 1   

  1. John LeMasney | Using Picasa to create collages for rich visual topic lead-ins

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  2. Derik Badman | The Interaction of Slides and Speech

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  3. Lori Reed | Presenting for 3, 30, or 300: DON'T imagine them naked! 

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  4. Maurice Coleman | The Disruptors or Dealing with A@@*(^%@

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  5. Scherelene Schatz/Advantages of Presenting via Webinars

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ROUND 2   

  1. Peter Bromberg | What do a leaky roof, a greasy spoon, a bear sighting, and a man with a tortoise in his pants all have in common?   Watch this lightening talk and find out...

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  2. Steven Bell | Techniques & tips for integrating video into your presentation

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  3. Kristina DeVoe | Interplay of words and gesture

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  4. Janice Painter | Tag team presenting- working on building a presentation as a group

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  5. Tom Nielsen | Keeping Your Audience Engaged

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The Theme for the Battledecks was "Beyond Library 2.0" 

  1. John LeMasney - let's do this.

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  2. Nancy Dowd- this sounds like fun!

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  3. Maurice Coleman - Bring It On!  (partial--if anyone has complete vid, please link and embed.  Thanks!)

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  6. Craig Anderson - Because I love to talk at length about things that I'm clueless about!! :D

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  7. Courtney Bennett - will do anything once, and once again to make sure 

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  8. David D'Onofrio - guess who's coming to dinner

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  9. Andy Woodworth - Since I'm on track to get 1,000 members on the Facebook group for a Library themed Ben & Jerry's flavor by Friday, I will honor my pledge to give Battle Decks a go. BRING IT ON! =D

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  1. Beth Tribe entertains us with her impression of a Baltimore accent

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  2. Pete's Playlist of all the Pres4lib video he recorded

Comments (3)

Andy Woodworth said

at 2:54 pm on Jun 14, 2009

While I did not do as well at Battledecks compared to my competitors, I want to do it again in the future now that I have a clue. =D

leslie kahn said

at 3:13 pm on Jun 14, 2009

so interesting to recall after kristina's lightning talk that i was instructed in my earliest years to avoid gesticulations: the message was that they were too ethnic.

lightning talks and beyond, this was an (en)light(e)ning day, with much to take home to newark. thanks to everyone!

John LeMasney said

at 11:16 pm on Jun 14, 2009

Amazing work here, Peter! As usual, you brought it.

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